Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Venezuela to Develop Busy Agenda in 2005



Disarming Latin America

Venezuela Denounces At UN U.S. Intrusion on Its Internal Affairs

Chavez to suspend oil exports to US in case of assassination attempt

Mr. Chavez feels Venezuela's future is certainly not with the USA
Now that Venezuela has signed bilateral oil agreements with Iran, Russia and China, Jorge Boosh is seeing red. George takes these sovereign acts as a declaration of war -- of open terrorism, as being sufficient evidence to include Venezuela in the coming holocaust of the “axis of evil.”
The final stroke will come this year when President Chavez switches to the Petro-Euro, or creates a Latin American currency.

Venezuela's Chavez Says U.S. Plotting to Kill Him

Venezuela-Colombia and the White House
Suggestions of an assassination should not surprise anybody
Eleazar Diaz Rangel, the editor of the Venezuelan newspaper Ultimas Noticias, reflects on the diplomatic resolution of the crisis between Venezuela and Colombia over the kidnapping of Colombian guerrilla leader Rodrigo Granda, in which U.S. pressures to Latin American countries were either ignored or rejected.

Chavez: Kill me and oil stops

Verbal 'dirty war' outbreaks between USA and Venezuela
President Hugo Chavez says Washington is plotting to kill him, while the US dismisses allegations as wild

Kill Venezuela's Chavez?

A spectre stalks the Americas
Is the United States' nightmare of “a second Cuba” coming true in Venezuela?

Venezuela Steps up anti-Isolationist Campaign Warning

Venezuela Says U.S. Charges Prelude to 'Attack'

Venezuela Repeats Allegations of Plot to Kill Chavez

Colombians Reject US Provocation against Cuba

Venezuela Stands Firm Says Official in Cuba

In the future, the US can expect little cooperation from Venezuela
You cannot fault China for taking advantage of Washington’s shortcomings ... they want Latin American resources and have plenty of dollars in hand to back their desires.

Venezuela eyes U.S. military on Curacao
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Venezuela's navy is taking a close look at the American military presence on the nearby island of Curacao to determine the intention of U.S. operations there, Venezuela's navy commander said Monday.

USA charts roadmap to change OAS Democratic Charter vs. Venezuela
The USA government, the newspaper reports, has already started to move its pieces, leading up to next July’s OAS General Assembly aimed at penalizing States that "gradually break away from democracy."

Differences Between US and Venezuela Can Be Resolved Says Venezuela’s Foreign Minister

US Military: Post-Chavez Venezuela 2002 to pour oil on troubled waters


Venezuela tax agency shuts down Coca-Cola operations

Update 2: Venezuela Agency Closes Coke Operations

Coke hit by Venezuela's tax war
Venezuela's tax authorities have ordered a 48-hour closure of Coca Cola's bottling plants for allegedly not following tax rules.

Bush Faces Battle Over C. American Trade



Venezuela Signs Renegotiated ConocoPhillips Oil Exploration Contract
By: Gregory Wilpert – Venezuelanalysis.com

Venezuela: Oil-Flush Chávez Begins to Strut His Stuff
By: Jessica Leight - COHA
• Recent arms sales could have an explosive impact on U.S.-Venezuela relations.
• Recalling Czech small arms sales to the leftist Guatemalan government in 1954, which led to a CIA-supported coup, the same could happen in Venezuela.
• Colombia and Venezuela resolve recent conflict despite no positive U.S. assistance.
• Washington’s irrelevance represents a massive diplomatic defeat, marking yet another setback to Roger Noriega’s pathetic mishandling of U.S. relations with Latin America.
• Brazil’s weapons sales to Caracas throws a protective shield around Venezuela.

Venezuela and China Keep Strengthening Economic Links

China, Iran, Russia and Venezuela are making all kinds of oil deals
This has only just begun. George Bush and the neocons have made most every nation dislike us and quite frankly, the outcome for the American people is going to be disastrous.


Rebel attacks in Colombia shake confidence in government claims it is beating the guerrillas

Colombia and Venezuela appear to end row

Violence recruits in Colombia as rebels take the offensive
More than 50 soldiers died in the last two months in clashes with Marxist guerrillas

Colombia Dismisses Arms Race with Venezuela

Venezuela's Chavez, Colombia's Uribe Say Dispute Settled

Rebels wreak havoc in Colombia
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -- Explosives planted in a hotel blow up, killing five people. A major TV and radio network is bombed. An electrical substation is dynamited. A bus is torched on a major highway after passengers are forcibly removed.

Uribe: Colombia Faces Battle vs. Rebels
Hard Road in Its Fight Against Leftist Rebels
By ANDREW SELSKY Associated Press Writer

Colombia in Negative
On the Opposition to Uribe’s Government and Other Affronts to the Establishment
By Laura del Castillo Matamoros
Narco News Editorial Columnist

Venezuelan Foreign Minister says Venezuela is not engaged in any arms race

Venezuela arrests key Chavez foe
Police in Venezuela say they have arrested a leader of the strike which failed to oust President Hugo Chavez two years ago.


With help from Russian Arms Chavez takes Venezuelan defense to grass root level

Venezuela defends arms purchase
Venezuela's Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel rejected U.S.
criticism of the deal to buy Russian military helicopters and 100,000
rifles, which he said were part of a policy to strengthen the nation's
frontier defense.....Venezuela, the world's No. 5 oil exporter, is a top
fuel supplier to the United States. But relations between Caracas and
Washington have soured since left-wing President Hugo Chavez came to
power six years ago.

US protests against Russia plans to sell arms to Venezuela

Venezuela's arms buildup worries U.S.
Chavez seeks to buy combat aircraft from Brazil

The American government has no business meddling in Venezuela’s internal affairs.

Mr. Bush has decided to destroy Venezuela and its democratic government

Venezuela's strategy is to get out of non-profit businesses in the USA

Latin America and Venezuela in Transformation

"Our people are choosing ... an alternative to neo-liberalism"
By: Marta Harnecker - Brazil de Fato
Interview with Marta Harnecker by Mário Augusto Jakobskind of Brazil de Fato, January 10, 2005

Autonomy movements starting to flourish in South America

''Cycle of Instability in the Andes: Bolivia, Ecuador and

Venezuela may sell U.S. oil refineries

Venezuela and China Sign 19 Cooperation Agreements

USA creating a base for war on the people of South America and Venezuela

Iran to help Venezuela to sell more oil to Asia

Plan Colombia -­ beach head of the USA Empire in South America

Venezuelan move to replace US$ with the €uro upsetting Washington more than Saddam's €uro conversion last November

While all eyes are on Iran and Syria, US action may be in Venezuela with a start of Venezuela-Colombia war from war of words

LATIN AMERICA: Cuba and Venezuela strengthen solidarity