Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Venezuela Signs Renegotiated ConocoPhillips Oil Exploration Contract
By: Gregory Wilpert – Venezuelanalysis.com

Venezuela: Oil-Flush Chávez Begins to Strut His Stuff
By: Jessica Leight - COHA
• Recent arms sales could have an explosive impact on U.S.-Venezuela relations.
• Recalling Czech small arms sales to the leftist Guatemalan government in 1954, which led to a CIA-supported coup, the same could happen in Venezuela.
• Colombia and Venezuela resolve recent conflict despite no positive U.S. assistance.
• Washington’s irrelevance represents a massive diplomatic defeat, marking yet another setback to Roger Noriega’s pathetic mishandling of U.S. relations with Latin America.
• Brazil’s weapons sales to Caracas throws a protective shield around Venezuela.

Venezuela and China Keep Strengthening Economic Links

China, Iran, Russia and Venezuela are making all kinds of oil deals
This has only just begun. George Bush and the neocons have made most every nation dislike us and quite frankly, the outcome for the American people is going to be disastrous.


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